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Claire Igoe (Wife) (United Kingdom)

Dear NeuroAiD,

We’re really doing well. His ankle is good and he is now walking. He has a little bit of movements in his toes and can point his foot, stretch his knees and bend them slightly. He can also move his fingers slightly on his previously bad arm.

Since his memory was not affected, we’re only working on his mobility and to be quite honest it works really good with his physio. I can see he is making progress. The other day I visited Dennis with my Dad, he was at the front door waiting for his medicine, leaning on his stronger knee. We went to check on him during his session and was surprised to see that he can now move and bend, which was really unexpected.

We’re not expecting miracles but we have seen improvements and that is very encouraging! We actually did a video and you can see that he can now bend his knee with his previously bad leg. I’m happy that your pills are working. I believe with your help, miracles can really happen.

Claire Igoe

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