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Acerca NeuroAiD es un tratamiento oral que ayuda a las víctimas de accidentes cerebrovasculares y lesiones cerebrales traumáticas que sufren déficits establecidos a recuperar su independencia funcional además de terapias de rehabilitación y ejercicios. Acerca de NeuroAiD ▸ perfil de seguridad ▸ composición y dosificación ▸ estudios clínicos ▸ Inicio Acerca ▾ Biblioteca contacto pedido Profesional médico
Descubra si Neuroaid es adecuado para usted Mrs. Suzie Ceccon (Australia)

Mrs. Suzie Ceccon (Australia)

Morning Michael.

Couldn’t be better. I would have never believed that he would progress as far as he has in such a short time. His thinking which was confused and out of walk is back to almost normal, speech is near 100%, emotions are back to what they were before this happened to him. His sight has recovered and is now driving the car and in control of his business again. He still does his exercises morning and evenings. Thank goodness he is a determined 74yr old.

So grateful to have found u on the internet. Who knows where we would be right now with out your help.

For ever grateful.



*Las imágenes no son de pacientes reales

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