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Acerca NeuroAiD es un tratamiento oral que ayuda a las víctimas de accidentes cerebrovasculares y lesiones cerebrales traumáticas que sufren déficits establecidos a recuperar su independencia funcional además de terapias de rehabilitación y ejercicios. Acerca de NeuroAiD ▸ perfil de seguridad ▸ composición y dosificación ▸ estudios clínicos ▸ Inicio Acerca ▾ Biblioteca contacto pedido Profesional médico
Descubra si Neuroaid es adecuado para usted Rosemary Ishie (Kaduna, Nigeria), 54 years old

Rosemary Ishie (Kaduna, Nigeria), 54 years old

“I had the first stroke on the 5th day of March 2008 and I was almost recovered. Then I had a second stroke on the 8th day of November 2009, the second was more devastating than the first, I lost my voice, could not walk well, stopped going to Court. With the first stroke, I could go to Court and handle all my matters but the second stroke all that stopped. Now, I started taking NeuroAiD™ in March 2010, three months after the second stroke and started talking even though slowly. I do the written part and ask my colleagues to hold brief for me since I am not audible enough to be present in court.

I am quite strong; I cook my meals, bath myself but cannot dress myself because my left hand is still spastic from the first stroke. I go to the market; I leave the house with my assistant by 9AM and come back at 6PM every day. I enjoy an active life style, I refuse to be docile, I do believe that God will help me to be totally rejuvenated; it is possible for He is a healer, I believe in miracles. My walking is improving by the day; NeuroAiD™ gives me strength and energy. Thank you for NeuroAiD™, I am grateful.

I am Rosemary Ishie, a lawyer from Kaduna, Nigeria. I am 54 years old.”

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