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NeuroAiD is an oral treatment helping victims of strokes and traumatic brain injuries who suffer from established deficits to recover their functional independence in addition to rehabilitation therapies and exercises. ABOUT ABOUT NEUROAID ▸ safety profile ▸ composition & dosage ▸ CLINIcal studies ▸ HOME ABOUT ▾ library contact order Medical Professionals
Find out if neuroaid is right for you Ann Haumschild (U.S.A.)

I still have hope I will regain all mobility with continued therapy and Neuroaid!

Ann Haumschild (U.S.A.)*

Hello, I am writing to update you on my progress. I have just completed 4 months of taking the neuroaid stroke was in April of 2013. I was left with no mobility on my left side after a severe hemorrhagic stroke. I am slowly getting beter with walking,and balance, but still use a cane I have less spasticity since using Neuroaid also. my left arm and hand are more relaxed too. I still have hope I will regain all mobility with continued therapy and neuroaid!


*Pictures are not the actual patients

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