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After 5 months of regularly taking NeuroAid: She's able to walk alone now using stick, Her cognitive functions are improving much better

Cindy Salim’s Mother (Indonesia)*

After 7 weeks he could lift his knee. Every week there was progress, his sitting balance became back, he could swallow again, and the left part of his sight came back

Elise Mulder-van Gulik (Netherlands)*

After a month treatment, she could stand stable and stopped using the wheelchair, after a second month of treatment; she had recovered a lot of her body balance and strength: she could walk and climb the stairs

Mr Kong’s Wife (Singapore)

We started NeuroAiD on the first week of January. He started swallowing purees mid January, started eating solid food mid February, got back complete bladder control end of January, starting walking with a cane end of February, got his voice back but has been diagnosed with aphasia and all the feeling is back in his arm now although it is not strong enough to do anything with.

Nasreen Madhany (Canada)*

we decided to purchase a three month supply of Neuroaid. Dad has had to learn to walk again and we are still on the journey of regaining his speech. Under instruction from this family dad is able to do most things for himself now. He has some movement in his fingers and hand and this is a work in progress.

Kathy Roff’s Father (Australia)*

since he started taking the drug he has had movement in his right arm & leg... his speech has become much clearer... he has become less depressed and is eating better and has gained 3kg of weight

Malcom Wells (Australia)*

I have now completed two months treatment and will soon start my third month. I have made some positive progress in terms of better control of my limbs. Shoulder in lying position is much better. Leg is also improving slowly

Anil Kumar Gupta (Bangalore, India)

During the three months following her discharge she began to weight bear again, and has now progressed to walking on a zimmer frame. The hoist is no longer used, and only one carer required. All have commented how much stronger she is now. As this improvement only happened since taking NeuroAiD™

Mark Andrews (UK)*

I started a three months treatment on NeuroAiD™ a month after the stroke, and I feel I am much more alert and my memory is improving.

Carl Livermon (USA)*

My motor functions have improved, I can walk unassisted when at home, I can open and close my palm although I still lack a bit of strength; Overall I am more independent in my daily activities

Mrs. Tay (Singapore)*