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NeuroAiD is an oral treatment helping victims of strokes and traumatic brain injuries who suffer from established deficits to recover their functional independence in addition to rehabilitation therapies and exercises. ABOUT ABOUT NEUROAID ▸ safety profile ▸ composition & dosage ▸ CLINIcal studies ▸ HOME ABOUT ▾ library contact order Medical Professionals
Find out if neuroaid is right for you Doug Cheers (Australia)

Doug has made great progress in all areas, regaining his mobility using a walking stick, he can eat, dress and perform some helpful tasks around the home i.e. he put together a wind-up hose reel, can have conversations with people and they comment on how much he has improved with his clarity.

Doug Cheers (Australia)*

Doug suffered a large ischemic stroke in April 2010.The right side of his body was severely affected. He lost all his speech, mobility and use of his right side- face, shoulder, arm, hand, fingers and was confined to a wheelchair. He underwent 8 months of rehabilitation. In hospital where he regained some basic speech, was able to walk with the aid of a 4 wheelie walker but still had very little recognition of his right arm. He was sent home and we travelled daily to attend rehabilitation/physiotherapy sessions. Being a trained P.E. Teacher, I devised an exercise program which we worked on extensively at home as well. Always searching for information dealing with ways to help stroke victims, I found NeuroAiD™, read all the testimonials and I was impressed.

Doug started NeuroAiD™ in May 2011. We continued the physio sessions and increased the exercises at home to several times each day. Within the first week I noticed a great improvement with his posture. After 1 month he had regained a “normal facial look”, was recognising and beginning to use his right side of his body, which we were all thrilled with. Even though it has been 2 years now since Doug’s stroke, as a family we decided that the wonderful progress he has made since being on NeuroAiD™ warranted him continuing on it.

Doug has made great progress in all areas, regaining his mobility using a walking stick, he can eat, dress and perform some helpful tasks around the home i.e. he put together a wind-up hose reel, can have conversations with people and they comment on how much he has improved with his clarity. Doug has recently become a gym member and attends 3-4 times a week where he follows a program designed for him. He uses the trundle walker, exercise bike and weights and is now doing crunches on the mat to regain his 6 pack! His determination and motivation to improve and try and regain what was taken from him is highly commendable.

We thank NeuroAiD™ and the support from the team. Their information and constant communication and care has been great.


*Pictures are not the actual patients

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