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Hezron Watindi (Kenya)

Hi again.

I am on my last day’s intake of your 360 NEUROAiD 601 capsules.

The improvement in muscle tone on the upper side of my body has been remarkable with side to side, up and down head movements just about normal. While laying on my back and raising or swinging the affected left hand, was near normal with no signs of muscle tonal lose.

While seated moving the upper trunk.side by side, down forward and back has been remarkably eased and as flawless as could be expected.

The flexing in the leg however has remained problematic with flexing of the leg at the knee, ankle and hip joints as problematic as ever, But definitely not worse than before as I start of Neuroaid.

All these were made worse by my acquiring and fighting off a Typhoid Fever infection during the last seven days… My regular blood pressure, spastic, cholesterol control medication and all the array experts during the last seven years of my stroke experience has drained me dry. Neuroaid have been my real hope…

Thank you and more power!

Kind regards


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