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NeuroAiD is an oral treatment helping victims of strokes and traumatic brain injuries who suffer from established deficits to recover their functional independence in addition to rehabilitation therapies and exercises. ABOUT ABOUT NEUROAID ▸ safety profile ▸ composition & dosage ▸ CLINIcal studies ▸ HOME ABOUT ▾ library contact order Medical Professionals
Find out if neuroaid is right for you Jessica Pensut (Florida, USA)

After three weeks of using NeuroAiD™, one of the nurses asked me to give her more information about the medicine because she noticed some changes in my father that she can only think that it comes from using the medicine. My father was more active and more awake than he used to be.

Jessica Pensut (Florida, USA)*

As I was telling you on the phone my father had a huge stroke in March 2012 on the left side of his brain, it left him completely paralyzed on the right side and he cannot speak, my father was 81 years old at the time of the stroke, but he was healthy, he loved to be working in his little garden and sometimes go fishing on a jetty or sitting on the rocks, it is there where he got the stroke.

It is only by chance that i came across the medicine NeuroAiD™. I was searching for some information for my mother-in-law and the advertisement popped up, I immediately went to the website and read all the information and decided right away to start with it.

After three weeks of using the medicine, one of the nurses asked me to give her more information about the medicine because she noticed some changes in my father that she can only think that it comes from using the medicine. My father was more active and more awake than he used to be. I printed the info and she shared it with the other nurses, none of them knew the medicine. I forgot to mention that I needed to get permission from his doctor to start using the medicine; I had to give her all the information about the medicine.

The situation of my father now is that he is completely aware of his environment, he can eat very well, he used to get very small portions of food that they make soft but now he is eating the normal portion of food that the normal patients get of course it is a little bit more chopped for him but not soft, he used to choke a lot but that is almost completely over.

He is now completely aware of his situation and that makes him quite sad at moments. He can still not speak what makes the communication very difficult but I keep hoping and praying that there will come a change in that situation as well.

Have a nice day and thank you very much for the attention for my father.


*Pictures are not the actual patients

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