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dummy ABOUT NeuroAiD is an oral treatment helping victims of strokes and traumatic brain injuries who suffer from established deficits to recover their functional independence in addition to rehabilitation therapies and exercises. ABOUT NEUROAID ▸ safety profile ▸ composition & dosage ▸ CLINIcal studies ▸ HOME ABOUT ▾ library contact order Medical Professionals
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For many people, vision problems after a stroke often are a forgotten aspect of the recovery process. These problems can then cause serious repercussions in all aspects of daily life whether it be driving, reading, exercising or even going out to the shops.. Simple Vision Exercises for Stroke Recovery STROKE NEWS Continue Reading What are the risk factors of a stroke? STROKE NEWS Strokes can strike at any minute and its consequences can change lives instantly.

Despite their sudden nature, there are factors that can indicate that someone is at a higher risk of having a stroke. So how do we know if we are at risk of developing a stroke?
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How neurorepair is critical for recovery STROKE NEWS When a stroke or traumatic brain injury occurs, the neurological structure of the brain is severely damaged, leading to a loss of functions such as speaking, writing or walking. The types of deficits depend on the location of the lesion and its severity.
Even though some damages can’t be reversed, the brain naturally initiates several mechanisms to repair itself - this is called neurorepair. Natural processes known as neurorepair and neuroplasticity can help the brain repair itself over time. So how does it work?
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How AI is used to aid stroke management STROKE NEWS Our society thrives on using artificial intelligence (AI) and the health industry is no exception. As technology develops, new programs and algorithms have emerged to treat all types of conditions. AI has become a major tool in helping those affected by strokes. New AI breakthroughs are helping in all areas of stroke care from diagnosis to rehabilitation. So how is AI used in these areas? Continue Reading The important of stroke clinical research STROKE NEWS Stroke clinical research is vital to discover efficient new medicines. It is a long and thorough process that goes through several phases before it is cleared to be used as a prescribed medicine. So, how does the process work? Continue Reading Stroke care at home STROKE NEWS Providing help to stroke patients is important in aiding their recovery. With patients suffering from physical and cognitive impairments, care and aid must be tuned to their specific needs to favour their recovery. Continue Reading Why is stroke rehabilitation important? STROKE NEWS Defining a recovery plan for a stroke patient is never simple. Every patient suffers from different impairments depending on how their brain has been impacted by the stroke.

Therefore, understanding the rehabilitation process is essential for doctors to select the most suitable therapies for each patient they treat. So, what happens next?
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Stroke Units STROKE NEWS Time is crucial when it comes to immediate stroke care. Every second counts to prevent more damage from happening to the brain.

That is why hospitals have developed stroke units dedicated to stroke patients. These units are designed to rapidly assess, treat and look after patients, giving them the best chance of recovering. So, what exactly happens in a stroke unit?
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What is a traumatic brain injury? STROKE NEWS A traumatic brain injury (TBI) refers to any trauma to the head caused by an external object contacting or penetrating the skull.

TBI is a difficult condition to manage and its consequences can have significant impacts on your daily life. So, what exactly is a traumatic brain injury?
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Arm exercises for rehabilitation after stroke or traumatic brain injury STROKE NEWS After a stroke or a traumatic brain injury, patients often lose control of their arms and hands. This makes carrying out any basic task difficult without assistance.

This is why physical therapy plays an important role in rehabilitation. Physical therapists suggest the most appropriate ways to support neuroplasticity and get the brain rebuilding signals to muscles in your arms...
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Watch Our Videos Down Below!

NOW PLAYING NeuroAiD - Clinical Data for Alzheimer's Disease
NOW PLAYING Alzheimer’s Disease: Tips for daily life
NOW PLAYING Supporting cognitive functions in Alzheimer’s disease
NOW PLAYING Accelerating post-stroke recovery with NeuroAiD
NOW PLAYING Investigators behind the clinical trials.
NOW PLAYING 4 aphasia exercises for stroke rehabilitation
NOW PLAYING 3 leg exercises for stroke rehabilitation and recovery
NOW PLAYING 3 hand exercises for stroke rehabilitation
NOW PLAYING Let’s talk about Traumatic Brain Injury with Noemie and Professor Valery L. Feigin
NOW PLAYING Let’s talk about Stroke Care with Noemie and Professor Anita Arsovska
NOW PLAYING Let’s talk about Stroke Clinical Research with Noemie & Professor Jeyaraj Durai Pandian
NOW PLAYING Let’s talk about Stroke Units with Noemie and Professor Hassan Hosseini
NOW PLAYING Let’s talk about Stroke Rehabilitation with Noemie and Professor Julie Bernhardt
NOW PLAYING Let’s talk about stroke with Noemie & Professor Christopher Chen
NOW PLAYING Let’s talk about Moleac with Noemie & Jonathan Seow
NOW PLAYING Let’s talk about Moleac with Noemie & David Picard
NOW PLAYING Get back to work after a brain injury. Here’s how.
NOW PLAYING Memory Games for Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injury Recovery
NOW PLAYING What is a Stroke?
NOW PLAYING Stroke Symptoms and Signs
NOW PLAYING Moleac Won SBR 2o21
PLAYING NOW Our Company - Moleac
PLAYING NOW Our Story - Moleac
What is a Traumatic Brain Injury? NOW PLAYING
Vimeo Video NeuroAiD - Clinical Data for Alzheimer's Disease
Vimeo Video Alzheimer’s Disease: Tips for daily life
Vimeo Video Supporting cognitive functions in Alzheimer’s disease with Professor Christopher Chen
Vimeo Video Accelerating post-stroke recovery with NeuroAiD: A conversation with Doctor Ramani
Vimeo Video Stroke Recovery with NeuroAiD: Investigators behind the clinical trials.
Vimeo Video 4 aphasia exercises for stroke rehabilitation
Vimeo Video 3 leg exercises for stroke rehabilitation and recovery
Vimeo Video 3 hand exercises for stroke rehabilitation
Vimeo Video Let’s talk about stroke with Noemie & Professor Christopher Chen
Vimeo Video Let’s talk about stroke with Noemie & Professor Christopher Chen
Vimeo Video Let’s talk about stroke with Noemie & Professor Christopher Chen
Vimeo Video Let’s talk about stroke with Noemie & Professor Christopher Chen
Vimeo Video Let’s talk about stroke with Noemie & Professor Christopher Chen
Vimeo Video Let’s talk about stroke with Noemie & Professor Christopher Chen
Vimeo Video Let’s talk about stroke with Noemie & Professor Christopher Chen
Vimeo Video Let’s talk about stroke with Noemie & Professor Christopher Chen
Vimeo Video Memory Games for Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injury Recovery
Vimeo Video Memory Games for Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injury Recovery
Vimeo Video What is a Stroke?
Youtube Video Stroke Symptoms and Signs
Vimeo Video Moleac Won SBR
HTML5 Video Our Company - Moleac
HTML5 Video Our Company - Moleac
HTML5 Video What is a TBI?
educational landing ipad min

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  • Understand Stroke
  • Prevent another Stroke
  • Know about therapies and Recovery
  • Cope with Stroke as a victim or caregiver
  • Endorsed and Co-authored by The Singapore National Stroke Association

Disclaimers:  NeuroAiD™ II is a trademark of Moleac. MLC601 and MLC901 are 2 different proprietary formulations which have been shown to be equivalent in pharmacology and are referred as NeuroAiD on this webpage.

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