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He discovered NeuroAiD and he has used it for about six months. Even though his stroke is quite old, there was a result. His mind is clear and his cognitive skills have returned. He can move his left arm, squeeze his left hand lightly and touch his nose with effort. His facial distortions have disappeared and he is walking better with improved balance and self confidence.

Leo Ladehoff’s son (Indiana, USA)

I started seeing small progress after the 1st week and it was awesome. Richard is more active, smiling and what can I say his voice got stronger and it feels like his normal voice.

Nelba de la Garza’s husband (Texas, USA)*

After a month on NeuroAiD™, I could raise my arm at about head level; I have since completed three months of treatment and intend to extend the treatment beyond

Robert Franz (Canada)

After 3 days of taking the NeuroAiD treatment, he began to speak, clearly and in full sentences.

Stephanie Jerger (USA)*

I feel I am overall getting incrementally better: walking is easier, I have fewer spasms, my mouth is less droopy and I can speak better, my mind is also clearer

Nelia Hernandez (Nevada, USA)

I took the treatment for three months which enabled me to partially move again my left wrist which was completely paralysed….What I can tell is that NeuroAiD had no side effects or interaction with the drugs I was taking: anticoagulant, anticonvulsion, antidepressant, and a few others

Olga Lucia Giorgi Gutierrez (Colombia)

After one and a half month of treatment taken in a regular dosage, we had already noticed the changes: almost complete recovery of the sensibility, the improvement of the perception, the concentration, the balance and the walking is now very fluid. She rarely uses her walking stick, not only because her muscles strengthened but also because her spasticity decreased.

Melissa Ortiz Lopez (Colombia)*

He has been on NeuroAiD™ for one month now and has become stronger physically in that he can actually stand himself up.He speaks better, and he has amazingly improved cognitively and neurologically!

Joyce Barlow (Michigan, USA)*

After the three months treatment we stopped NeuroAiD™ for a few weeks - at that point it became obvious the NeuroAiD™ had been reducing the spasticity in the right side and that the same spasticity was returning

Derrell Schooley (Kansas, USA)*

A year of repetitions of actions has given him the ability to eat himself, wheel his chair around, punch his little brother, say many words (babbles a lot), write and stand up

Zain (South Africa)*