I believe it’s a miracle herb! No one can believe the difference on her, although there is no walking as yet, she is now moving her left leg which was very dense and expected nothing ever again
Carol’s Mother (Scotland)
He started taking NeuroAiD™ two and a half months after having the brain stroke; the effects are amazing, as he has started walking and his right hand is also gaining back its mobility, and even more with the therapy that he is receiving, he is better, making progress every day
Javier Torres (Peru)*
I lost the use of my left side which meant the use of my arm and ability to walk. I have been using Neuroaid since May 2nd and I am already seeing improvement
Rohan Mullin (Australia)
NeuroAiD improved my quality of life
Irma (Argentina)
An improvement we see for the first time since she had stroke in 2016
Cristina Ángel (Mexico)*
The NeuroAiD treatment has been very beneficial for my improvement
Remberto (Colombia)
Her cognitive and motor improvements were quite impressive
Marcia (Chile)*
Improving even after 6 years
Ana María (Mexico)*
By the third week of taking NeuroAiD, we are already seeing very remarkable changes. He started walking again, started to talk, to feel, to remember some important things in his life
Ana Luz Burgos (Mexico)*
muscle tone on the upper side of my body has been remarkable